Sunday, June 16, 2024

Why is Biden still the likely Democrat candidate?

I wonder - - - 


    Biden is not running the Government.

    One or more people (the Bosses) other than Biden have control of the Government.

    The Bosses' primary concern is their retention of power.

    The Bosses retain power if Biden is the Democrat candidate and he wins.

    The Bosses lose power if Biden is the Democrat candidate and he loses.

    A Biden alternative is likely to exercise considerable power if he/she wins.

    The Bosses are likely to lose considerable power if a Biden alternative wins.

    The Bosses lose power if a Biden alternative loses.


    The only scenario in which the Bosses are likely to retain their current power is if Biden is the Democrat candidate and he wins.

    The Bosses are likely to support Biden until the bitter end.

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