Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Guns in Schools - some common sense perspective and some facts

From the Crime Prevention Research Center.


Too many people have a victim mentality.  They are afraid of guns, don't trust normal citizens with guns, refuse to allow other people to have guns so that they can defend themselves and others, etc.

You would think from listening to these people and the media that only the police know how to use guns.  After all, these people don't trust even trained citizens or ex military who are teachers to have guns in schools.

They don't realize that many trained citizens and ex military are more competent with guns than most police officers.  This is not because police are incompetent, they are not.  It is because many citizens spend more time practicing with guns than most police do.

There is a reason why most mass murders occur in "gun free zones".  It is because the perpetrators know that normal citizens with concealed carry licenses are competent enough to stop them.

Of course, part of the problem is that the anti-gun groups spread "facts" that are completely wrong - always designed to support their anti-gun agenda.

If you really want to know the FACTS, read John Lott's "More Guns Less Crime".  It shows you how to think about gun laws, presents the real FACTS, and takes apart the anti-gun crowds claims.

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